Here’s How You Can Prepare For Weight Loss Surgery


Here’s How You Can Prepare For Weight Loss Surgery

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When you have struggled with weight loss for many years, both you and your doctor may have decided to put the option of bariatric surgery on the table. Once your doctor clears you physically for the surgery, there will be other ways in which you need to get prepared for it. Below are some tips to take into consideration to help you prepare for weight loss surgery.


The more you know about the surgery and what is to be expected, the more prepared you can be going into the procedure. You will not wake up from the surgery and be thin. It is going to leave you feeling worse off for a while and losing weight will come with time. Most patients are expected to lose around half of their extra weight in the first six months following their surgery. Keep in mind, the surgery is just a tool to help you lose weight. The journey to shedding those pounds is going to be long, tough and require time and effort. The surgery is not a magic solution.

Change Relationship To Food

In order to be successful with your weight loss long-term after surgery, you will need to prepare by planning how you will change your relationship to food. You can begin by looking at food as a way to nourish your body and provide it with the necessary vitamins, minerals and other nutrients it needs to survive. Try to increase your awareness of when you feel full. Focus on trying to eat your food slowly and chewing thoroughly. Don’t eat when you are distracted or looking to cope with any bad feelings. If you have trouble changing your relationship with food, a therapist or nutritionist may be able to help.

Focus On Emotional And Mental Health

For some, help from a therapist is necessary to stabilize your emotional and mental health regarding weight loss. If you are trying to prepare for your life after surgery on your own, begin by thinking about your readiness and willingness to make changes. Be sure to develop a good support system of friends and family to be there for you during and after the procedure. There will be days when you think you can’t go on and you need people there to support you in your time of need. Keep in mind, making huge lifestyle changes such as weight loss surgery are going to require you to have patience and take them on one step at a time. Be realistic and stay positive until you reach your goals.

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