Weight Loss Surgery and Reduced Pain


Weight Loss Surgery and Reduced Pain

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Individuals who are overweight or obese often experience physical difficulties to other parts of the body. Excess weight places an unnecessary burden on bones, joints, and connective structures of the body, resulting in pain and even disability. For those who have been unsuccessful with other types of weight loss programs, surgery can be a viable option to help individuals to successfully lose weight and improve weight-related health problems.

Obesity and Pain

Science has long shown that there is a link between being overweight or obese and different types of pain throughout the body. Any additional weight on the body’s frame creates tension and strain that pulls awkwardly on bones and joints. The most commonly affected areas are the back, hips, knees, and feet. Excess weight can lead to chronic pain conditions, such as fibromyalgia. Being obese also increases the risk of developing other health problems that in and of themselves cause pain, such as diabetes and arthritis.

Obesity and Disability

The continued strain of excessive weight on bone structures can lead to degenerative conditions such as osteoarthritis and degenerative disk disease. Problems frequently occur in the spine, the hips, and the knees. As these medical conditions progress, bones and joints suffer more damage. This can lead to reduced range of motion and function in the affected areas, often resulting in disability.

Weight Loss and Pain Management

As excess weight is shed from the body, less strain is placed on bones and joints. This can reduce wear and pressure. As individuals lose weight and get closer to a healthy weight range, some weight-related medical problems may be resolved, reducing the pain that they cause.

How Weight Loss Surgery Helps

Those who are severely obese or who are obese with serious medical concerns and have tried to lose weight to no avail may be good candidates for bariatric surgery. This surgery reduces the size of the stomach. Individuals can then feel full after eating smaller portions. When combined with a nutrition and exercise plan, this reduction in calories can help an individual to lose weight fairly quickly. Many patients find that their painful conditions subside rapidly as they begin to lose weight because less strain is placed on joints and bones. Mobility is increased as the body is able to move more freely, often resulting in decreased disability. With the decrease of pain and increase in mobility, most individuals find an overall improved quality of life following weight loss surgery.

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